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Helping Our Clients Find Success

About Us

Our Experience

We are a lead brokerage and marketing provider. After 30 years of combined experience in the industry, we know what it takes to succeed in your industry. We do business by focusing on what prospective clients want: accredited, liquid, and decision-making individuals. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, reduce your overhead, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.

Our Approach

Our leads are sent to our call centers where dialer data is tested for authenticity and validity. We update caller information, and qualify them for their interest in market sectors, their status as accredited investors, and their ability to make informed decisions. 

Why Us?

We are in the business of forming longterm relationships with our clients. Because we look to the long haul, we care about customer service, about customer satisfaction, and our customers' bottom line. 

Contact Us

Data Alliance Group, LLC

(469) 704-9358

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